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Alexitymi och psykiatriska symtombilder - DiVA portal

Alexithymia is very common among autistic people.Research indicates 40–65% [1] The validity of using self-reports to assess emotion regulation abilities in adults with autism spectrum disorder (Berthoz & Hill, 2005) [2] Brief report: cognitive processing of own emotions in individuals with autistic spectrum disorder and in their relatives Results suggest that alexithymia reflects a multidomain, multidimensional failure of interoception, which is consistent with theories suggesting that atypical interoception may underpin both symptom commonalities between psychiatric disorders and heterogeneity within disorders. Results: 15 articles comparing autistic and neurotypical (NT) groups were identified. Autistic people scored significantly higher on all scores compared to the NT group. There was also a higher prevalence of alexithymia in the ASD group (49.93% compared to 4.89%), with a significantly increased risk of alexithymia in autistic participants. 2012-12-17 · The number of articles on alexithymia has been steadily increasing since the word “alexithymia” was coined in the 1970s to denote a common characteristic that is observed among classic psychosomatic patients in whom therapy was unsuccessful. Alexithymia, a disorder of affect regulation, has been suggested to be broadly associated with various mental and physical health problems. However 2020-04-14 · The present results, consistently with previous findings [36, 54,55], revealed that levels of alexithymia were higher among patients with FM than HC. On the other hand, with regard to parental bonding, patients with FM obtained lower scores on the maternal and paternal care subscales and higher scores on the maternal and paternal overprotection subscales of the PBI. 2020-08-05 · Background Autistic people are disproportionately vulnerable to anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders (ED), and within the general population, autistic traits correlate with ED psychopathology.

Alexithymia test results

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Detailed Results. Your result is broken down into various factors to give you some insight into your result. Category: Difficulty Identifying Feelings: 20 Points <15 - 18> In this category you show high alexithymic traits. Question 4: When other people are hurt or upset, I have difficulty imagining what they are feeling. Question 5: People tell me to describe my feelings more, as if I haven't elaborated enough. Question 6: Sex as a recreational activity seems kind of pointless. Question 7: I can describe my emotions with ease.

Autism in adults with schizophrenia - GUPEA

Some studies suggest that it may result from one or more of the following: Genetics . Research on twins indicates that there is a genetic component to alexithymia. Results: PAQ and its subscales were found as valid and reliable measures, with good internal consistency and good test-retest reliability. All subscales of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire Test Results: 117 points Alexithymia: You show high alexithymic traits.

Alexithymia test results

Publications - Academy of Europe

Alexithymia test results

You can also assess your levels of MS-related fatigue using the online Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS) calculator. I would be interested to see if we can confirm these results.

Display Settings. Results per page: 10 1-10 of 36 results for ""Sömnbehov""; Next pain Alexithymia, depression and salivary cortisol The Affect School and Script Analysis Therapy. Subjects: Alexithymia; depression; anxiety. Sådana test har dock kritiserats för att vara språk- och kulturbundna, och ge missvisande resultat på personer med nedsatt självinsikt, lägre (1996); James D.A. Parker et al, The 20-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale III. De isoleringar uppgifter är del av en större test av icke-verbal emotion Eftersom glad var vår enda positivt valenced känslor, våra resultat här speglade G., Summers, F. Cognitive and psychosocial correlates of alexithymia  The interviews are analyzed using content analysis (Breakwell, Hammond The results show a significant difference between the clinical group and the normal group in and higher scores on TAS-20, indicating a higher level of alexithymia. Alexithymia och vaginismus: ett preliminärt korrelationsperspektiv.
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All subscales of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire Test Results: 117 points Alexithymia: You show high alexithymic traits.

Visar resultat 16 - 20 av 28 avhandlingar innehållade orden Trait psykologi. Alexithymia : studies of alexithymia in relation to somatic complaints, cognitive bias, emotion, and affect Trait anxiety as a determinant of psychological test results. av K Sohl — Change in affect consciousness, attachment, alexithymia and empathy after training in (ACI-R), Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ), Toronto Alexithymia Scale resultat för hur intervjupersonen upplever både egen och andras affekt. av K Safarzadeh · Citerat av 3 — After controlling for pre-test scores, post-intervention results showed a related to emotional intelligence and inversely associated with alexithymia (i.e.
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Category: Difficulty Identifying Feelings: 25 Points <15 - 18> In this category you show high alexithymic traits. Category: Difficulty Describing Feelings: 14 Points <10 - 12> The Alexithymie Questionnaire is a list of 37 questions relating on emotions, there's overlap between the autism spectrum, and even the sex repulsion which is interesting.