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Effects of suspended food availability on the feeding mode and burial depth of the Baltic clam, Macoma balthica. - Oikos 69: 28-36. Macoma balthica is not normally considered to be toxic but may transfer toxicants through the food chain to predators. Macoma balthica was implicated in the Mersey bird kill in the late 1970's, owing to bioconcentration of alklyC-lead residues (Bull et al. , 1983). Biology information Abundance Stephen (1929) reported typical abundances of Limecola balthica (as Macoma balthica) from the Firth of Forth to be 0-89/m² and maximum abundance to be 288/m².Ratcliffe et al.

Macoma balthica feeding

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[citation needed] Feeding activities of the clams were observed for about ten minutes at irregular intervals for 22 times during the experiment. The number of M. balthica exhibiting de-posit or suspension feeding behavior was recorded. Bu-rial depths of M. balthica were measured every three to four days until the clams' burial depth became stable. Feeding activities of the clams were observed for about ten minutes at irregular intervals for 22 times during the experiment. The number of M. balthica exhibiting de­ posit or suspension feeding behavior was recorded. Bu­ rial depths ofM. balthica were measured every three to four days until the clams' burial depth became stable.

Sammanställning av de marina värdena i Fifångs - Yumpu

T1 - Why do Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus switch from feeding on Baltic tellin Macoma balthica to feeding on the ragworm Nereis diversicolor during the breeding season? AU - Bunskoeke, Arjo (E.J.) AU - Ens, Bruno J. AU - Hulscher, Jan B. AU - DeVlas, SJ. PY - 1996. 1980-01-01 The facultative deposit-feeding clam Macoma balthica is used as a bioindicator organism for assessing coastal metal contamination.

Macoma balthica feeding

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Macoma balthica feeding

0 ind/m2 av östersjömussla (Macoma balthica) Habitat Selection, Food Choice and Feeding Habits of Diving Ducks in  11 Macoma balthica L. 19 Idotea balthica Pallas. 20 Idotea chelipes (2015). Feeding niche preference of the mudsnail Peringia ulvae. av A WIKSTRÖM · Citerat av 2 — vattenmassan och bland annat uppfattar Östersjömussla (Macoma balthica) vibra- feeding in Amphiura filiformis (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea): feeding  Feeding behavior and diet of Corophium volutator in an estuary in southeastern England. Macoma balthica (östersjömussla). Mya arenaria (sandmussla)  Feeding conditions for fish and sea-birds will likely be poorer in the Biotest tellinid bivalve Macoma balthica (L.) suffer in various ways from a warming climate.

Bu-rial depths of M. balthica were measured every three to four days until the clams' burial depth became stable. Feeding activities of the clams were observed for about ten minutes at irregular intervals for 22 times during the experiment.
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This feeding strategy has been widely described for Macoma balthica (Tellinacea ), a common species inhabiting tidal flats of Europe (Hummel.

The choice to live close to the sediment surface comes at a risk of predation and is a decision made when predation danger, food intake rates or future fitness prospects are low. Two months later the tellinid bivalve Macoma balthica was added in quantities varying from 0 to 40 individuals per microcosm. After 5 months the effects of the bivalves on the meiofauna were surprisingly small.
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Under conditions of identical concentrations of suspended particulates in the water column and organic contents of surface sediments, Macoma exhibited much higher levels of deposit feeding where currents were slower. Two months later the tellinid bivalve Macoma balthica was added in quantities varying from 0 to 40 individuals per microcosm. After 5 months the effects of the bivalves on the meiofauna were surprisingly small.