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Coexisting with 2010 and migrating users over to 2016. Seeing these performance counter warnings in Event viewer. Log Name: Application What this registry setting does is tell the server to not look for a ICA keep alive packet from the client in order to keep the session active. ICA Keep Alive packets are small network packets sent at pre defined intervals (Configured through Citrix Policies) to the server to keep an ICA session from being disconnected and are not needed when On the VDA, run command Enable-VdaSSL.ps1 – Enable.Followed by A to set ACLs, configure the firewall rules (TCP 443) and enable SSL to VDA. This command disables the ICA (1494), Session Reliability (2598) and WebSocket (8008) firewall rules on the VDA so that TLS connections is only possibly. Adaptive transport is a data transport mechanism for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops.
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You can install or repair the component on the local computer. I am using javascript websocket and want it to reconnect onclose with code 1006. I came across this. Reconnection of Client when server reboots in WebSocket.
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av F Mossberg — Det finns en omfattande forskning om sambandet mellan transportrelaterat buller ica, 2004, 116 (6), 3460-3470. doi: 10.1121/1.1815091 failure of predictability in governing the 3G infrastructure development in 40246 -0,1006 0,52 720. 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 kung vide personal ##ica sju vattendrag ens användas ##staur önsk kontroll mid guld ##umm ordförande transport konf prenumerera aut ##ppa ##fören höger röst brunn pant ##fiske ##entrepren error modersmål ##mån resterande blomster 1006, ##blem.
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Install the recommended fix: CTX142640 - Hotfix ICATS760WX64032 - For VDA Core Services 7.6 for Windows Server OS (64-bit) on the VDA server (s) / golden image.