Describes how to use the slug test data sheet with some suggestions about conducting slug tests A number of methods have been developed to calculate hydraulic conductivity (or permeability) from slug test data. We usually use the Method of Bouwer and Rice (1976)to obtain hydraulic conductivity from raw slug test data. This method was originally What is a Slug Test? • One well field test for determining hydraulic conductivity (K) • Entails: –“Instantaneously” adding or removing a slug of water in a well and monitoring water level recovery (head vs.

Slug test calculations

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Analysis of slug test data from well 0191 indicates the hydraulic conductivity of the alluvium ranges from 22.4 to 29.6 ft/day. The hydraulic conductivity estimate based on drawdown data from well 0191 is the largest of all hydraulic conductivity estimates for the alluvial aquifer. In general, the test is conducted by adding (or removing) a slug to raise (or lower) the water level from its original equilibrium level, and measuring the rate of water level recovery. Other means of displacing the water column, such as compressed air, are equally amenable to analysis by these methods. The Slug Test Method is one of a number of different methods that are used to evaluate the permeability (or hydraulic conductivity) of an aquifer. The procedure involves either adding or removi ng a measured quantity of water from a well rapidly, followed by making a rapid series of water-level measurements to assess the rate of water-level recovery (either rising-head or falling-head).

Pump tests were conducted using downgradient wells in high-hydraulic conductivity zones (based on slug tests) to determine their areas of influence. The tests were analyzed to determine hydraulic conductivity. This is important in slug tests because many models assume that the flow rate can be accurately calculated from the measured pressure changes.

Slug test calculations

Slug test calculations

[Weight and  equation decreased as permeameter diameter increased. slug test for anisotropic and isotropic conditions, and Alyamani and Sen grain-size methods; median  Since a pumping test and a slug test evaluate a much larger volume of the The data is then evaluated using the Ernst or Hooghoudt equations to provide a. obtained with the Geoprobe Systems® GW1600 Pneumatic Slug Test Kit. matching, input of well construction parameters, and calculation of hydraulic  Slug Test Conducted in Well(s) Number. Time Performed Table.

We usually use the Method of Bouwer and Rice (1976)to obtain hydraulic conductivity from raw slug test data. This method was originally What is a Slug Test? • One well field test for determining hydraulic conductivity (K) • Entails: –“Instantaneously” adding or removing a slug of water in a well and monitoring water level recovery (head vs.
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At least one week should elapse between the drilling of a well and the performance of a slug test.

The effective piezometer radius (r) should be entered as the inside radius of the piezometer / well casing if the water level in the piezometer is always above the screen, or as calculated by r eff =[r 2 (1-n) + nR 2] 1/2 if the water level falls within the screened interval during the slug test (where r = the inside radius of the well, R = the outside radius of the filter material or developed zone, and n = porosity). Slug Length ft = pressure in psi / change in pressure gradient psi-ft Final Stage : Calculate the Slug volume in barrels.
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On some occasions, slug/bail tests are an alternative testing method to the aquifer test described in the next section.